domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

Admiration and respect

Admiration and respect
I respect the people who are not afraid to make mistakes.
I respect the people who are not afraid to say what they think.
I respect the people who are themselves in spite of what others think or say.
I respect the people who are talented, energetic, and creative.
People like this, deserve all my support.
I believe in people who show enthusiasm in the things they do.
I have struggled all my life to be better, after so many years I have done a couple of things who justify the person I am nowadays. I am sorry, I am not happy with myself, I wish I could have done more. I regret I haven't used my time in a better way. I know that others have done half of what I have done, shame on them, that doesn't help me at all. I wish I were the the hard-working person my father was until he died. I wish I had the energy, the strength my mother has shown in tough times, when I thought she would not see the next day. They are my example, my light, the path I try to walk when I wake up in the morning. That's the path I want my children to walk: work, honesty, dignity, love and intellectual growth. In other words, I wish my children could fulfill some of my dreams. I want them to be the man I couldn't be; however, I don't want to impose anything on them. I'd like to be a guide for them, to show them some possible routes in life, nevertheless, it's their choice not mine, it is their life. Once I told my wife, I wish I were there every time they cry, to support them. It makes feel happy to know that, even though I might not be physically with them when this happens, my heart, my thoughts, my soul will be. All of these words, just to say that I was very moved by Mency's words yesterday. It usually happens to me when I run into young, talented people. People who struggle like me to be better. People who face a new day with optimism even if life hits them on the face. I am not good at being optimistic, but I'll learn some day. You guys, deserve my deepest admiration and respect, and even today in the morning when I drove my car in the Campus, tears ran down my face. Tears of joy, admiration and respect.

My music

An amazing summer

Well, summer's almost over and it's been awesome!!! Of course I'm talking about my summer course at The UASD, where I teach a group of intermediate students and a level 7th, both groups are excellent. The intermediate one has only 3 students because some of them left (vanishing syndrome). I have told some of my students that for me the summer course is more intense, maybe because we have a short amount of time. Anyway, the thing is, that I feel so satisfied with they way my students have worked throughout the summer. All along this period we have done so much, that as I looked back, it's hard for me to think we have reached this point. My level 7th has posted almost 200 messages in our blog. Writing and commenting about different topics such as: smart cars, the discovery of america, the history of yo-yos, globalization etc. All of these topics have been discussed and exposed in class. They have had the opportunity of handling pictures which have accompanied their works. We saw a play in Bellas Artes which kept people talking for quite a few weeks, not to mention Angela's wishes, but that's another story to be told out of the classroom when minors are not around. Now we are in the process of watching a movie: Rainman. As a teacher I can say that both of my classes, have been way over my expectations.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009



Les doy la bienvenida a mi blog...